This function implements the eigenvector-based semiparametric spatial filtering approach in a linear regression framework using ordinary least squares (OLS). Eigenvectors are selected by an unsupervised stepwise regression technique. Supported selection criteria are the minimization of residual autocorrelation, maximization of model fit, significance of residual autocorrelation, and the statistical significance of eigenvectors. Alternatively, all eigenvectors in the candidate set can be included as well.

  x = NULL,
  objfn = "MI",
  MX = NULL,
  sig = 0.05,
  bonferroni = TRUE,
  positive = TRUE,
  ideal.setsize = FALSE,
  alpha = 0.25,
  tol = 0.1,
  boot.MI = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE

# S3 method for spfilter
summary(object, EV = FALSE, ...)



response variable


vector/ matrix of regressors (default = NULL)


spatial connectivity matrix


the objective function to be used for eigenvector selection. Possible criteria are: the maximization of the adjusted R-squared ('R2'), minimization of residual autocorrelation ('MI'), significance level of candidate eigenvectors ('p'), significance of residual spatial autocorrelation ('pMI') or all eigenvectors in the candidate set ('all')


covariates used to construct the projection matrix (default = NULL) - see Details


significance level to be used for eigenvector selection if objfn = 'p' or objfn = 'pMI'


Bonferroni adjustment for the significance level (TRUE/ FALSE) if objfn = 'p'. Set to FALSE if objfn = 'pMI' - see Details


restrict search to eigenvectors associated with positive levels of spatial autocorrelation (TRUE/ FALSE)


if positive = TRUE, uses the formula proposed by Chun et al. (2016) to determine the ideal size of the candidate set (TRUE/ FALSE)


a value in (0,1] indicating the range of candidate eigenvectors according to their associated level of spatial autocorrelation, see e.g., Griffith (2003)


if objfn = 'MI', determines the amount of remaining residual autocorrelation at which the eigenvector selection terminates


number of iterations used to estimate the variance of Moran's I. If boot.MI = NULL (default), analytical results will be used


remove observations with missing values (TRUE/ FALSE)


an object of class spfilter


display summary statistics for selected eigenvectors (TRUE/ FALSE)


additional arguments


An object of class spfilter containing the following information:


summary statistics of the parameter estimates


estimated variance-covariance matrix


a matrix containing the summary statistics of selected eigenvectors


vector/ matrix of selected eigenvectors


Moran coefficient of all eigenvectors


residual autocorrelation in the initial and the filtered model


adjusted R-squared of the initial and the filtered model


initial and filtered model residuals


a list providing supplementary information:


number of candidate eigenvectors considered


number of selected eigenvectors


ID of selected eigenvectors


vector representing the spatial filter


Moran coefficient of the spatial filter


type of the fitted regression model


filtered for positive or negative spatial dependence


selection criterion specified in the objective function of the stepwise regression procedure


TRUE/ FALSE: Bonferroni-adjusted significance level (if objfn = 'p')


if objfn = 'p' or objfn = 'pMI': actual (unadjusted/ adjusted) significance level


If W is not symmetric, it gets symmetrized by 1/2 * (W + W') before the decomposition.

If covariates are supplied to MX, the function uses these regressors to construct the following projection matrix:

M = I - X (X'X)^-1X'

Eigenvectors from MWM using this specification of M are not only mutually uncorrelated but also orthogonal to the regressors specified in MX. Alternatively, if MX = NULL, the projection matrix becomes M = I - 11'/*n*, where 1 is a vector of ones and *n* represents the number of observations. Griffith and Tiefelsdorf (2007) show how the choice of the appropriate M depends on the underlying process that generates the spatial dependence.

The Bonferroni correction is only possible if eigenvector selection is based on the significance level of the eigenvectors (objfn = 'p'). It is set to FALSE if eigenvectors are added to the model until the residuals exhibit no significant level of spatial autocorrelation (objfn = 'pMI').


Tiefelsdorf, Michael and Daniel A. Griffith (2007): Semiparametric filtering of spatial autocorrelation: the eigenvector approach. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 39 (5): pp. 1193 - 1221.

Griffith, Daniel A. (2003): Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering: Gaining Understanding Through Theory and Scientific Visualization. Berlin/ Heidelberg, Springer.

Chun, Yongwan, Daniel A. Griffith, Monghyeon Lee, Parmanand Sinha (2016): Eigenvector selection with stepwise regression techniques to construct eigenvector spatial filters. Journal of Geographical Systems, 18, pp. 67 – 85.

Le Gallo, Julie and Antonio Páez (2013): Using synthetic variables in instrumental variable estimation of spatial series models. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 45 (9): pp. 2227 - 2242.

Tiefelsdorf, Michael and Barry Boots (1995): The Exact Distribution of Moran's I. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 27 (6): pp. 985 - 999.


y <- fakedataset$x1
X <- cbind(fakedataset$x2, fakedataset$x3, fakedataset$x4)

res <- lmFilter(y = y, x = X, W = W, objfn = 'MI', positive = FALSE)
#> 10 out of 31 candidate eigenvectors selected
summary(res, EV = TRUE)
#> 	- Spatial Filtering with Eigenvectors (Linear Model)  -
#> Coefficients (OLS):
#>                Estimate         SE      p-value    
#> (Intercept) 9.124104289 0.66507612 1.799107e-23 ***
#> beta_1      1.005931015 0.07952583 2.038804e-21 ***
#> beta_2      0.004370487 0.05354359 9.351325e-01    
#> Adjusted R-squared:
#>   Initial  Filtered 
#> 0.4620807 0.7374539 
#> Filtered for positive spatial autocorrelation
#> 10 out of 31 candidate eigenvectors selected
#> Objective Function: "MI"
#> Summary of selected eigenvectors:
#>        Estimate       SE      p-value  partialR2      VIF        MI    
#> ev_13 -9.603639 1.419980 1.485195e-09 0.23201418 1.010147 0.6302019 ***
#> ev_10 -5.530371 1.450140 2.552893e-04 0.08005190 1.052256 0.7303271 ***
#> ev_2   4.846595 1.428638 1.044281e-03 0.06270986 1.021395 1.0004147  **
#> ev_4  -3.184166 1.457302 3.157895e-02 0.02963330 1.059905 0.9257835   *
#> ev_5  -2.902051 1.436375 4.641769e-02 0.02023369 1.031162 0.8968632   *
#> ev_9   3.302924 1.439372 2.415752e-02 0.02741295 1.036276 0.7638378   *
#> ev_21 -3.386843 1.423180 1.950863e-02 0.02803836 1.014155 0.4539879   *
#> ev_19  3.793853 1.414326 8.745591e-03 0.03715301 1.003177 0.4615722  **
#> ev_26 -3.558030 1.414902 1.375282e-02 0.03243658 1.004043 0.3113456   *
#> ev_20  2.971558 1.425260 4.000702e-02 0.02352405 1.017381 0.4539879   *
#> Moran's I (Residuals):
#>             Observed    Expected   Variance          z     p-value    
#> Initial   0.35062455 -0.01222386 0.01219947 3.28514585 0.000509648 ***
#> Filtered -0.06296148 -0.08768656 0.07854341 0.08822323 0.464849627    

E <- res$selvecs
(ols <- coef(lm(y ~ X + E)))
#>  (Intercept)           X1           X2     Eevec_13     Eevec_10      Eevec_2 
#>  9.124104289  1.005931015  0.004370487 -9.603638643 -5.530370597  4.846595193 
#>      Eevec_4      Eevec_5      Eevec_9     Eevec_21     Eevec_19     Eevec_26 
#> -3.184166128 -2.902051446  3.302923858 -3.386843060  3.793852899 -3.558029960 
#>     Eevec_20 
#>  2.971557958 
#> (Intercept)      beta_1      beta_2 
#> 9.124104289 1.005931015 0.004370487